Sufi Healing

The following is adapted from a prayer by East Indian Sufi Inayat Khan in the 1920s.

1/ The person is lying on a massage table, face up.

2/ The practitioner sweeps lightly with the fingers down the sides of the face, down the center of the Chest, down the abdomen and sweeps gently down the legs, holding the feet saying while sweeping … “Beloved Universe, through the rays of the sun.” Pause.

3/ The practitioner sweeps lightly with the fingers down the sides of the face, down the center of the Chest, down the abdomen and sweeps gently down the legs, holding the feet saying while sweeping … “Through the waves of the air.” Pause

4/ The practitioner sweeps lightly with the fingers down the sides of the face, down the center of the Chest, down the abdomen and sweeps gently down the legs, holding the feet saying while sweeping … “Through the all pervading life in space.” Pause

5/ The practitioner sweeps lightly with the fingers down the sides of the face, down the center of the Chest, down the abdomen and sweeps gently down the legs, holding the feet saying while sweeping … “Purify and Revivify us.” Pause

6/ The practitioner sweeps lightly with the fingers down the sides of the face, down the center of the Chest, down the abdomen and sweeps gently down the legs, holding the feet saying while sweeping … “and we pray Heal our bodies hearts and world!”

7/ Repeat the passes several times but without touching the person, as if sweeping the aura.

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*This was adapted from the original prayer by Inayat Khan which used the start …

“Almighty God” which is now replaced by “Beloved Universe.”

The original ended with “and we pray heal our bodies, hearts and soul.”

The reason for the changes is that an Anglican minister’s daughter helped to craft the original words in line with Christian principles.  However the ritual is not a Christian ritual.