A group of friends who in are interested in health testing meet at a University of Victoria graduate meeting in “Materials Science” every Friday. Us older people in the group have been using ourselves as “guinea pigs” for our own health experiments. 4 of us have used boron for arthritis cure. It worked !!
It can take many decades for official medical treatments to follow nutritional discoveries! So you can be ahead of official medicine by looking into nutritional science.
Boron to End Arthritis and Prevent Cancer
Among the many things we discovered include treating arthritis with boron. Arthritis has been discovered to be a boron deficiency disease in Australia in the 1960s. You can read about it easily by searching for the story of Dr. Rex Newnham and arthritis in Australia such as this link:
I have had arthritis since I was 20, but it is now gone! Others in the group have eliminated their arthritis too.
Boron and Sex Hormones
Boron supplementation of 9 to 12 milligrams per day raises estrogen and testosterone by 40% to 60%. For both sexes, it prevents cancers at this dose while restoring calcium levels and sexual vitality in old timers. It reduces prostate cancer by 63% in studies and reduces most cancers by at least 40%!
See the Romanian studies below.
How to Use Boron to Treat Arthritis
Take 6 to 9 milligrams of Boron citrate or other Boron compounds every day with calcium (optional if your diet is high in calcium), magnesium and vitamin D. 50 years old to less and it takes one month to eliminate arthritis. Over age 50 it takes 2 months, as long as arthritis did not destroy the joints. 6 Milligrams per day treats minor arthritis. 9 to 20 Milligrams per day treats more severe arthritis. Levels above 12 are known to reduce the incidence of cancers an average of about 40%.
My arthritis was not allowing me to sleep on my left shoulder. Now I can sleep that way for many hours. All other symptoms have disappeared. I can now run at full speed again.
Making Your Own Boron Supplement from Household Borax
(Household Borax is 99% Sodium Tetraborate. The remaining 1% is free of heavy metals and consists mainly of CO2, sodium, potassium and chlorine in the form of salts.)
Formula and Research for Borax for Medicine-v2 May 25 2020
Preventing Cancers Using Boron
Boron will prevent cancers of all types as is shown by this metastudy from Romania which outlines 160 studies in Eastern Europe.
Click Here to read about Boron Cancer Prevention
Making your own Saw Palmetto for Prostate Issues
Making your own Saw Palmetto Herb solution for prostate problems
30% of men have issues at age 30 … so its useful information for young men too!
Saw Palmetto as a herb in capsules can be expensive, especially at high dose.
Normally the capsules have 160 milligrams of concentrate which is the equivalent of 1.4 grams of the raw fruit.
You can purchase the dried raw fruit online or at a good old fashioned herb shop that carries whole herbs. The rumour has it that the berries taste terrible but it is not true. It is neutral flavoured when ground to powder.
Here is how I make my own …
1/ Grind the raw dried herb in an old coffee grinder reserved for the purpose. The seeds are much harder than coffee beans and it will take several minutes to get it down to a fine powder.
2/ Measure using a small cocaine type balance 2 grams of the fine powder.
3/ Mix with a bit of yogourt and eat it. It tastes quite fine.
In the herb store I bought it from they said that the tincture was better because the beans taste terrible. But this is not true at all. Also a science paper I read said that in tincture form there is very little of the fatty acids that do the magic!
I do 2 grams of raw herb in yogourt daily and it works better than any commercial product I have ever used.
All the best …
Ian Faulkner Soutar
Here is what the plant looks like:

Tumeric for Inflammation
Tumeric is an ancient cure for inflammation. It will also prevent cancers which begin to manifest as inflammation. It will reduce swelling in inflamed joints. It is known to prevent prostate cancer. One in our group found it stops acne attacks in his family. Here is the formula from India …
1 teaspoon organic tumeric in vegetable or tomatoe juice with a dash of black pepper. The pepper helps the actual active ingredient circumin to be absorbed. The formula suggests twice daily. It is helpful to treat arthritis pain, allergies and prevents cancer too.
Excellent guide to making Tumeric more available by using additives such as black pepper …
Brain Stimulation for Depression and OCD
Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation is being experimented with at this site …
This device is being made in Victoria for researchers or anyone who wants to experiment.
Beneficial effects of low level nuclear radiation
Surprisingly low dose nuclear radiation is beneficial to all animals including ourselves and plants. Our society believes that even the tiniest amount of radiation is deadly. The reason we believe that goes back to Herman Muller who won the Nobel prize in 1946 when he lied about his research results. This was done for political reasons by the “ban the A-bomb” movement. These and many other details can be found at …
Instructions on DIY radioactive health products to reduce cancer and infectious disease. Cancer is documented to be reduced by 30 percentage points in background radiations that are 100 times above normal. It is all about dose.
We experiment with wearing uranium glass beads to receive low dose nuclear radiation on ourselves with success. It boosts immune systems greatly such that several of us get colds very rarely now that are short in duration. Often a cold lasts only a few hours.
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